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Spike Protein Detox

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Spike Protein Detox

  • Fight Long Co - vid Symptoms
  • Break Down Spike Protein
£49.99 £49.99

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Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
Positive experience

Seems to have real effect

Michael Settambrino

I've only taken it for two weeks so I really can't say if it is making a difference. How long does it take to clean out the veins?

Anthony Perekekeme
Just testing the Product

Not sure of the results yet. But I hope that it is working as I could feel some changes.

Val Pitkethly

Seems to work well I e felt better while taking tge tabs and overall energy is good and Natural Foundation provide good service

Liam Harris
Great Product

Great quality product,very happy with purchase.

What is the Spike Protein?

The spike protein is a tiny, spike-shaped part on the surface of the virus that helps it enter human cells. Research found that the spike protein can remain in certain immune cells called monocytes for a long time, even up to 15 months after the initial infection (Patterson et al., 2022). This prolonged presence is thought to be a major factor in causing long CO - VID, a condition where individuals experience persistent symptoms long after the infection has resolved (Theoharides,2022).

Spike Protein Detoxification

  • What is Base Spike Detoxification? Base Spike Detoxification aims to cleanse the body of harmful spike proteins and their effects. This treatment is  based on the McCullough protocol which includes a regimen of nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin.
  • Overall goal: The goal of the BSD treatment is to help people who have experienced negative effects from v or the 💉by using natural substances to detoxify and heal the body.

The McCullough Protocol

The McCullough protocol, known as the base spike detoxification protocol, aims to help remove the spike protein from the body. This protocol includes the use of bromelain, nattokinase, and curcumin. These compounds were chosen for their safety profiles and their anti-inflammatory and potential spike protein-degrading properties. Below is the breakdown of the key components of this protocol:.

  1. Dissolution of Spike Protein-Induced Thrombus

  • What is a thrombus? A thrombus is a blood clot that can block blood flow, and the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 can contribute to its formation. It triggers inflammation in blood vessel cells, increasing the risk of clotting. Research shows that spike protein can also change fibrin, a key clotting protein, making it harder for the body to break down clots. These changes can lead to microclots, which are commonly seen in CO - VID patients (Grobbelaar et al., 2021). 

  • Role of Nattokinase: Evidence has shown that nattokinase helps break down fibrin. It possesses direct fibrinolytic activity, meaning it can dissolve blood clots by hydrolyzing fibrin. Hydrolyzing fibrin refers to breaking it down into smaller fragments through a chemical reaction with water, making it easier for the body to clear the clot and restore normal blood flow (Hulscher et al, 2023). 
  • Role of Bromelain: Evidence states that helps break down fibrin. It does this by activating plasmin, an enzyme that dissolves clots. Additionally, bromelain prevents platelets from clumping together, which helps keep the blood flowing smoothly (Mccullough et al., 2023).

  1. Inhibition of Spike Protein via ACE2 Receptors

  • What are ACE2 receptors? ACE2 receptors are like doorways on the surface of our cells. The spike protein uses these doorways to enter our cells and cause harm.
  • Blocking ACE2 receptors: Studies have shown that both bromelain (Sagar et al., 2020) and curcumin (a compound found in turmeric) (Shanmugarajan et al., 2020) can block these ACE2 receptors. By doing this, they prevent the spike protein from entering the cells, which helps protect the body from its harmful effects.

  1. Proteolytic Degradation of Spike Protein

  • What does proteolytic mean? Proteolytic refers to the process of breaking down proteins into smaller pieces or amino acids. 

  • How Nattokinase and Bromelain Help: Evidence suggests that Nattokinase and Bromelain make the spike proteins inactive, reducing their ability to cause harm in the body.  
  • Research has shown that bromelain can break down the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 and reduce the binding of the virus to cells. This means that even if the virus is present, it has a harder time attaching and causing infection (Sagar et al., 2020). 
  • In an in-vitro (cellular) study, when cells that had the spike protein were treated with nattokinase, the amount of spike protein on the cell surface decreased significantly. The researchers also observed that higher concentrations of nattokinase and longer incubation times resulted in more significant degradation of the spike protein (Tanikawa et al., 2022). 
  • Another in-vitro study demonstrated that natto extract can inhibit the infectious ability of SARS-CoV-2 by degrading the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein, which is crucial for the virus's ability to attach to host cells (Oba et al., 2021).

  1. Reducing Spike Protein-Induced Inflammation

  • Role of NF-kB signaling pathway: The NF-kB pathway is a system in the body that can trigger inflammation. The spike protein can activate this pathway, leading to increased inflammation.
  • How Bromelain and Curcumin help: Both of these substances can reduce the activity of the NF-kB pathway. By doing this, they help lower the levels of inflammatory molecules in the body, which can help reduce symptoms and improve health.
  • One major challenge in CO - VID is the cytokine storm, an extreme immune response where the body releases too many inflammatory signals. This can lead to severe complications like acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a type of lung failure caused by inflammation and fluid buildup in the lungs. Evidence shows that curcumin helps regulate the immune response by suppressing excessive inflammation and promoting healing. It blocks harmful inflammatory signals while increasing those that help calm the immune response. Curcumin specifically targets NF-κB and IL-6, two key pathways that cause severe inflammation in serious CO - VID cases. It also lowers oxidative stress, which helps protect the lungs from damage (Thimmulappa et al., 2021).
  • Bromelain is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It works by reducing the levels of certain substances in the body that promote inflammation, such as prostaglandin E-2 (PGE-2). It does this by reducing pathways like NF-kB, which are involved in the production of inflammatory molecules. Additionally, bromelain can increase the levels of anti-inflammatory substances, helping to further reduce inflammation (Hulscher et al, 2023).